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The best part of Altuna's life (my opinion)

Do you know which moment is your best one in your life?
If you think that the best moment in your life is when you arrive all the things that you wanted and loved.
I think that it is not so! Why I think in this way?
Can you guess why?
Because I found the very first song of Altuna Sejdiu when she performed on Skopje. She got the the first place of `best vocal` and then after two weeks she presented her video clip. Okay I am not sure if it is two weeks or more but it is something like that.
I remember her moment ,guys you can not imagine how happy she was! And everyone of you I think that now you have saw her that all the time she looks like she is `boring`.
My message for you is that everyone of you that have not started with his/her career believe me that this is your best moment. Enjoy it! Be optimistic because whatever you will arrive you will realize that nothing is as you imagined. While speaking these words my mind is at the movie `Click`. Anyway if you know which was first song of Altuna Sejdiu you are not obliged to hear it. But if you don't know and you want to know  click the link to listen it:

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