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Mihrije Braha once again has lost her mind with her extravagant photos

I have noticed a phenomenon lately, famous artist and singers are trying to compete by showing their bodies and posting their photos on Facebook or twitter. This is their complicated head giving them ideas. If you are in your 50s there is no chance that you can compete with other artist that are in their 20-30s. No matter that you are fit or have make up that the other do not know. Simply the age factor is not with you. Live your life, you have other priorities, it is hard leaving the world of famous, that belongs to young ones, the time when it belong to you.
That is why I am writing on this topic, Mihrije Braha the famous singer, did some photos on the beach, with bikinis on. And the comments were hilarious, I mean she was on the target of a cannon.
Comments like: "Go take care of your grandchildren, they need you more than we do"
"Granny awards is for you not Grammy". I hope you have understood my point which I agree totally with the people that commented on her.

Tallava, music for your soul

Tallava, is called the music that derives from the hard life of Gypsy communities in Balkans. This kind of music is mixture of Balkan music with tones of Turkish music and Arabic rhythms. It contains Bulgarian variations. And it is very complex to interpret, even though it has no value as real music, it is very hard to interpret some thing that are done in this music can be only listen but never done again by other communities or some music guru or professional music artist. It can be joyful music with dancing rhythms usually 4/4 or 7/8 and Bulgarian is 9/8. But of course it has some things that are out of the rhythm, the rules of music are broken here, it is the only kind of music that you can incorporate many other styles like Jazz, samba etc.

The herb that kills cancer

This plant, sank 98% of cancer cells. It is unbelievable how much healing is. Look at you and what it is about in the video below.

Here is what i found this time, a herb That kills cancer. Very impressive, is not it? Confirm scientist and even these, it kills all cancer cells. See yourself in the video below!

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