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The miracle drink, the one that kills cancer cells

Apple , carrot and beet juice . These are the ingredients of miracle drink , which has gained notoriety due to the positive impact on human health . Famous drink in the West is actually invented many years ago by the Chinese to treat lung cancer . Its preparation is very easy . Everything you need is a juicer , apples , carrots and beets . Wash them carefully and jump in without being picked reamer , while fluid obtained should be consumed immediately , as if stored in the refrigerator , lost values ​​.
Specialists say that the ratio of the three components is better to be the same and drinking should not add sugar .

Drink consisting of two vegetables and fruit is very rich in antioxidants. Apples contain vitamins A, B1 , B2 ,

B6, C, E and K, as well as elements such as zinc, copper , magnesium , potassium , phosphorus, iron , calcium and manganese. Molla is also rich with fiber.

Carrots contains vitamins A, B1 , B2, B3 , B6, C, E and K. Also , in its përmbërje found potassium , calcium , phosphorus , magnesium and selenium . One of the most important ingredients is betakaroteni .
Beet is rich in vitamins A, C , B - complex , and elements such as potassium , iron and magnesium .

The combination of the three components of the drinking - miracle gives nutritional values ​​required for a person during the day, also had a positive impact on health in the long run .

Here are some of the benefits

1 . Used a drink from ill patients with cancer . Chinese healers of this drink originally recommended for those suffering from lung cancer . Patients who consumed it for three months, every day , had a significant improvement , living longer. Mixing is effective also in other types of cancer , especially in prevention, as inhibits the growth of cancer cells .
2 . The drink is very effective in maintaining the health of organs like the kidneys , liver and pancreas . Also , it strengthens the organs like the heart and lungs .
3 . Carrot and beet are composed alpha and beta carotene and luteinën , which keep the heart healthy , while the apple helps in keeping normal levels of cholesterol dmëshëm .
4 . The skin is another organ that benefits from this drink . Less acne and wrinkles are the effects of a glass of juice a day .
5 . The drink helps the digestive system . Maintains healthy and prevents stomach ulcers . Regulates bowel movement and affects positively in cases of constipation .
6 . It is one of the best ways to increase the effectiveness of the brain . The drink helps maintain memory and brain functions promotes .
7 . Calms tired eyes from the computer after a long day of work . The drink helps eliminate drying , roasting and eye fatigue , improving visibility.
8 . Increases the activity of the immune system , preventing infections and allergies . Used for the treatment of tonsillitis infection .
9 . Removes toxins from the liver and purifies the blood . Also , this drink also increases the production of red blood cells .
10 . Positively affects the menstrual pain . It is advisable for women who have severe pain during the cycle , as significantly facilitates crises .
11 . Helps them maintain the diet . The drink is recommended for those who are diet , as it gives maximum power and minimum number of calories .

how to use

For ideal results , the drink must be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach . An hour after drinking her morning should consume as usual . Time when the results start to appear before varies from person to person

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