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Japan medicine - pain killer

Why not try this medicine ?

All who suffer from stiffness in the neck and back , know very well how much trouble they create mood and pain . We propose a recipe to keep joints lubricated while and sort of back pain .

How do you prepare ?

Get 150g powdered gelatin or leaf that you use for cakes and pastries . This dose is sufficient for 1 month .

At night, place two flat tablespoons gelatin in quarter cup of cold water , stir to lose all lumps and let it stand until the next day .

During the night gelatin will turn into jelly , and the mixture should eat in the morning on an empty stomach .

I will not spoil the effect if you add a little yogurt and honey .

This medicine is used exactly one month after that pause of 6 months . This way you lubricated joints will increase mental stability , metabolism and improve the quality and growth of hair and nails .

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